We are in the middle of "something". What is it, what are the risks, and how can we participate in this societal mutation with our activities?
During this session we will - interactively - explore from multiple angles the ongoing historical shifts, and put our own evolution and projects into perspective. Prof. Michel A. de Kemmeter will bring you his best-of steps on how to reconcile regeneration and human/business performance.
Prof. de Kemmeter is a best-selling author, researcher, entrepreneur, lecturer and adjunct professor at the VUB Brussels School of Governance. He is an intellectual at the forefront of an economic and societal transition, bringing new paradigms and a regenerative transition to business and government.
He is the Inventor of the "Systemic Economy" model and author of various reference books and co-author of the "Wise Papers".
In 2018 he founded the Think Tank "Club of Brussels", an international network of more than 100 mastermind contributors to work on new economic models based on the systemic use of resources, but also to implement regenerative economic transition. It tests new business models, and trains change agents in their "Extrapreneurs" living lab.
Place: Flanders Business School, Sint-Katelijnevest 26-28, Antwerpen
Time: 28.04.2022 19:00 - 22:00