The program consists of 5 sessions on 5 different locations. In between the sessions, participants will get assignments to prepare for the next session.
Dates and locations of the upcoming edition can be found here.
Session 1: Me, Myself and My Venture
- Where do I stand - which role(s) to embody and how
- Resilience and Entrepreneurship
- Venturing - Needed roles
- Defining the minimal viable organization
Presenting myself and my venture: story architecture and presentation (skills)
Session 2: Defining the Scope of Your Opportunity
- Thinking in terms of innovation (paradigms)
- Market opportunity detection
- Advancing your appealing idea - which problem are you solving
- Connecting to (and redefining) the eco - system
- Scenario - thinking: identifying relevant trends, threats and opportunities
Session 3: Designing Your Opportunity
- Choose your battlefields: Target customers and segments
- Delineating/creating a unique valie proposition
- Translating your value proposition into appropriate (and sustainable) business model(s)
- Exploring potential revenue models
- Pitching your idea convincingly
Session 4: Delivering the Promise
- Modelling the opportunity/value proposition financially: income estimations
- Selecting and leveraging partners
- Exploring value delivery strategies
- Developing unique resource configurations and identifying critical capabilities
- Anchoring and protecting unique capabilities (IP strategies)
Session 5: Designing (and scaling) a Sustainable Resource Configuration
- How to realistically stage a value delivery strategy
- Modelling introduction, adoption and diffusion
- Closing the circle: P&L modelling and assessing the value of the venture financially
- Pitching your venture effectively
- Fast forward, venture 2.0 - Scaling after launch